Català > gènere d'aus: 1 sentit > nom 1, animalSentit | A genus of birds. |
Sinònim | aus |
Membre de | Craniata, Craniat, Vertebrata, Vertebrat | fishes |
Específic | Agapornis, agapornis, genus agapornis | A genus of Psittacidae |
Casuari, casuarius, Casuarius, genus casuarius | type and sole genus of the Casuaridae |
Pastor, subgenus pastor | Only the rose-colored starlings |
acanthisitta, genus acanthisitta | A genus of Xenicidae |
accipiter, genus accipiter | type genus of the family Accipitridae |
acridotheres, genus acridotheres | mynas |
acrocephalus, genus acrocephalus | A genus of Sylviidae |
actitis, genus actitis | A genus of Scolopacidae |
aegypius, genus aegypius | A genus of Accipitridae |
agelaius, genus agelaius | red-winged blackbirds |
agriocharis, genus agriocharis | A genus of birds of the family Meleagrididae including the ocellated turkey |
aix, genus aix | wood duck and mandarin duck |
ajaia, genus ajaia | A genus of Platalea |
alauda, genus alauda | type genus of the Alaudidae |
alca, genus alca | type genus of the Alcidae comprising solely the razorbill |
alcedo, genus alcedo | type genus of the Alcedinidae |
alectoris, genus alectoris | A genus of Perdicidae |
alectura, genus alectura | brush turkeys |
anas, genus anas | type genus of the Anatidae |
anastomus, genus anastomus | openbills |
anhima, genus anhima | type genus of the Anhimidae |
anser, genus anser | typical geese |
anthus, genus anthus | pipits |
aphriza, genus aphriza | A genus of Scolopacidae |
aptenodytes, Aptenodytes, genus aptenodytes | large penguins |
apus, genus apus | type genus |
aquila, genus aquila | A genus of Accipitridae |
aramus, genus aramus | genus of large brown long-billed wading birds found in warm swampy regions of the western hemisphere |
archilochus, genus archilochus | A genus of Trochilidae |
ardea, Ardea, genus ardea | type genus of the Ardeidae |
arenaria, genus arenaria | turnstones |
argusianus, genus argusianus | argus pheasants |
artamus, genus artamus | type genus of the Artamidae |
asio, genus asio | A genus of European owls |
athene, genus athene | A genus of Strigidae |
atrichornis, genus atrichornis | type genus of the Atrichornithidae |
aulacorhyncus, genus aulacorhyncus | A genus of Ramphastidae |
auriparus, genus auriparus | A genus of Paridae |
aythya, genus aythya | canvasback |
balaeniceps, genus balaeniceps | type genus of the Balaenicipitidae |
bartramia, genus bartramia | A genus of Scolopacidae |
bombycilla, genus bombycilla | waxwings |
bonasa, genus bonasa | ruffed grouse |
botaurus, genus botaurus | bitterns |
branta, genus branta | wild geese |
bubo, genus bubo | A genus of Strigidae |
bubulcus, genus bubulcus | small white egrets |
bucephala, genus bucephala | buffleheads and goldeneyes |
buceros, genus buceros | type genus of the family Bucerotidae |
burhinus, genus burhinus | type genus of the Burhinidae |
buteo, genus buteo | Broad-winged soaring hawks |
cacatua, genus cacatua, genus kakatoe, kakatoe | A genus of Psittacidae |
cacicus, genus cacicus | A genus of tropical American orioles |
cairina, genus cairina | A genus of Anatidae |
calidris, genus calidris | A genus of Scolopacidae |
campephilus, genus campephilus | A genus of Picidae |
campylorhynchus, genus campylorhynchus, genus heleodytes, heleodytes | Alternative classifications for the cactus wrens |
canachites, genus canachites | spruce grouse |
capella, gallinago, genus capella, genus gallinago | snipes |
caprimulgus, genus caprimulgus | type genus of the Caprimulgidae |
carduelis, genus carduelis | In some classifications considered the type genus of a subfamily Carduelinae of the family Fringillidae |
cariama, genus cariama | The type genus of the Cariamidae comprising only the crested cariama |
carpodacus, genus carpodacus | house finches and purple finches |
casmerodius, genus casmerodius | A white egrets |
catharacta, genus catharacta | skuas |
cathartes, Cathartes, genus cathartes | type genus of the Cathartidae |
catoptrophorus, genus catoptrophorus | willet |
centrocercus, genus centrocercus | sage grouse |
centropus, genus centropus | A genus of Cuculidae |
cephalopterus, genus cephalopterus | A genus of Cotingidae |
cepphus, genus cepphus | A genus of birds including |
certhia, Certhia, genus certhia | type genus of the Certhiidae |
ceryle, genus ceryle | A genus of birds of the family Alcedinidae |
chalcostigma, Chalcostigma, genus chalcostigma | thornbills |
chamaea, genus chamaea | A genus of Paridae |
charadrius, genus charadrius | type genus of the Charadriidae |
chateura, genus chateura | A genus of Apodidae |
chauna, Chauna, genus chauna | crested screamers |
chen, subgenus chen | wild goose having white adult plumage |
chlamydera, genus chlamydera | A genus of Ptilonorhynchidae |
chlorophoneus, Chlorophoneus, genus chlorophoneus | A genus of Malaconotinae |
chlorura, genus chlorura | towhees |
chordeiles, genus chordeiles | A genus of Caprimulgidae |
choriotis, genus choriotis | Australian bustard |
chrysolophus, genus chrysolophus | golden pheasants |
ciconia, Ciconia, genus ciconia | type genus of the Ciconiidae |
cinclus, genus cinclus | type genus of the family Cinclidae |
circ, circus, genus circus | A genus of haws comprising the harriers |
circaetus, genus circaetus | harrier eagles |
cistothorus, genus cistothorus | marsh wrens |
cladorhyncus, genus cladorhyncus | One of two genera of stilts |
clangula, genus clangula | A genus of ducks |
coccothraustes, genus coccothraustes | large finches |
coccyzus, genus coccyzus | A genus of Cuculidae |
cochlearius, genus cochlearius | boatbills |
coereba, genus coereba | type genus of the Coerebidae |
colaptes, genus colaptes | A genus of Picidae |
colinus, genus colinus | (New World quail) the bobwhites |
collocalia, genus collocalia | A genus of Apodidae |
columba, genus columba | type genus of the Columbidae |
contopus, genus contopus | pewees |
conuropsis, genus conuropsis | A genus of Psittacidae |
coracias, genus coracias | type genus of the Coraciidae |
coragyps, Coragyps, genus coragyps | A genus of Cathartidae |
corvus, genus corvus | type genus of the Corvidae |
coturnix, genus coturnix | Old World quail |
cracticus, genus cracticus | type genus of the Cracticidae |
crax, genus crax | type genus of the Cracidae |
crex, genus crex | corncrakes |
crocethia, genus crocethia | A genus of Scolopacidae |
crotophaga, Crotophaga, genus crotophaga | ani |
cuculus, genus cuculus | type genus of the Cuculidae |
cursorius, genus cursorius | Coursers |
cyanocitta, genus cyanocitta | New World jays |
cygnus, genus cygnus | A genus of Anatidae |
dacelo, genus dacelo | Australasian kingfishers |
delichon, genus delichon | A genus of Hirundinidae |
dendrocolaptes, genus dendrocolaptes | type genus of the Dendrocolaptidae |
dendroica, genus dendroica | A genus of Parulidae |
dinornis, genus dinornis | type genus of the Dinornithidae |
dolichonyx, genus dolichonyx | bobolinks |
dromaius, genus dromaius | A genus of birds in the order Casuariiformes |
dumetella, genus dumetella | catbirds |
ectopistes, genus ectopistes | A genus of Columbidae |
egretta, genus egretta | small Old and New World herons |
elanoides, genus elanoides | A genus of kites |
elanus, Elanus, genus elanus | A genus of small kites of both Old and New Worlds |
emberiza, genus emberiza | Old World buntings |
ephippiorhynchus, genus ephippiorhynchus | saddlebills |
erithacus, Erithacus, genus erithacus | Old World thrushes |
erolia, genus erolia | A genus of Scolopacidae |
estrilda, genus estrilda | avadavats |
eudyptes, Eudyptes, genus eudyptes | rock hoppers |
euphagus, genus euphagus | A genus of Icteridae |
falco, Falco, Falcó, genus falco | A genus of Falconidae |
formicarius, genus formicarius | type genus of the Formicariidae |
fratercula, genus fratercula | puffins |
fregata, genus fregata | type genus of the Fregatidae |
fringilla, genus fringilla | type genus of the Fringillidae |
fulica, Fulica, genus fulica | coots |
fulmarus, genus fulmarus | fulmars |
furnarius, genus furnarius | type genus of the family Furnariidae |
gallinula, genus gallinula | gallinules |
gallirallus, genus gallirallus | rails of New Zealand |
gallus, genus gallus | Common domestic birds and related forms |
garrulus, genus garrulus | type genus of the Garrulinae |
gavia, Gavia, genus gavia | type genus of the Gavidae |
genus-megapodius, megapodius | type genus of the Megapodiidae |
genus-milvus, milvus | A genus including the common European kits |
genus aepyornis | type genus of the Aepyornidae |
genus afropavo | Congo peafowl |
genus amazona | A genus of Psittacidae |
genus anhinga | type genus of the Anhingidae |
genus anomalopteryx | small moas |
genus apteryx | type genus of the Apterygidae |
genus ara | macaws |
genus archaeopteryx, genus archeopteryx | A genus of fossil birds |
genus archaeornis | A genus of fossil bird |
genus chunga | A genus of Cariamidae |
genus coscoroba | A genus of Anatidae |
genus cotinga | type genus of the Cotingidae |
genus diomedea | type of the Diomedeidae |
genus geococcyx, geococcyx | roadrunners |
genus geothlypis, geothlypis | yellowthroats |
genus glareola, glareola | type genus of the Glareolidae |
genus glossopsitta, glossopsitta | A genus of Loriinae |
genus gracula, gracula, Gracula | mynas |
genus grus, grus | type genus of the Gruidae |
genus gymnogyps, gymnogyps | Containing solely the California condor |
genus gymnorhina, gymnorhina | In some classifications placed in the family Laniidae |
genus gypaetus, gypaetus | In some classifications the type genus of the family Aegypiidae |
genus gyps, gyps | A genus of Accipitridae |
genus haematopus, haematopus, Hematopòdid | oystercatchers |
genus haliaeetus, haliaeetus | A genus of Accipitridae |
genus harpia, harpia | A genus of Accipitridae |
genus hesperiphona, hesperiphona | evening grosbeak |
genus heteroscelus, heteroscelus | tattlers |
genus himantopus, Himantopus, himantopus | major one of two genera of stilts |
genus hirundo, hirundo | type genus of the Hirundinidae |
genus hydrobates, hydrobates | type genus of the Hydrobatidae |
genus hylocichla, hylocichla | (American thrush) wood thrush |
genus hylophylax, hylophylax | A genus of Formicariidae |
genus ibero-mesornis | A genus of fossil bird of the subclass Archaeornithes |
genus ibis | ibises |
genus icteria, icteria | New World chats |
genus icterus, icterus | type genus of the Icteridae |
genus irena, irena, Irena | type genus of the Irenidae |
genus iridoprocne, iridoprocne | A genus of Hirundinidae |
genus ixobrychus, ixobrychus | bitterns |
genus jabiru | jabirus |
genus junco | American finches |
genus jynx, jynx, Jynx | wrynecks |
genus lagopus, lagopus | ptarmigans |
genus lanius, lanius, Lanius | type genus of the Laniidae |
genus larus, larus, Larus | type genus of the Laridae |
genus leipoa | mallee fowl |
genus leptoptilus, leptoptilus | adjutant birds and marabous |
genus limnocryptes, limnocryptes | snipe |
genus limnodromus, limnodromus | dowitchers |
genus limosa, limosa | godwits |
genus lobipes, lobipes | A genus of Phalaropidae |
genus lofortyx, lofortyx | California quail |
genus lophodytes, lophodytes | A genus of Merginae |
genus lophophorus, lophophorus | monals |
genus loxia, loxia | crossbill |
genus lunda, lunda | puffins |
genus luscinia, luscinia | nightingales |
genus lyrurus, lyrurus | black grouse |
genus macrocephalon, macrocephalon | maleos |
genus macronectes, macronectes | giant petrels |
genus melanerpes, melanerpes | A genus of Picidae |
genus melanitta, melanitta | scoters |
genus melanotis, melanotis | A genus of Mimidae |
genus meleagris, meleagris | type genus of the Meleagrididae |
genus melopsittacus, melopsittacus, Melopsittacus | A genus of Psittacidae |
genus melospiza, melospiza | American song sparrow and swamp sparrow |
genus menura, menura | type and sole genus of the family Menuridae |
genus mergus, mergus | mergansers |
genus merops, merops | type genus of the Meropidae |
genus mimus, mimus | type genus of the family Mimidae |
genus molothrus, molothrus | cowbirds |
genus momotus, momotus | type genus of the Momotidae |
genus motacilla, motacilla | type genus of the Motacillidae |
genus muscicapa, muscicapa | type genus of the Muscicapidae |
genus muscivora, muscivora | A genus of Tyrannidae |
genus musophaga, musophaga | type genus of the Musophagidae |
genus myadestes, myadestes | solitaires |
genus neophron, neophron | A genus of Accipitridae |
genus nestor, nestor, Nestor | A genus of Psittacidae |
genus notornis | A genus of Rallidae |
genus nucifraga, nucifraga | nutcrackers |
genus numenius, numenius | curlews |
genus numida, numida | guinea fowl |
genus nyctanassa, nyctanassa | American night herons |
genus nycticorax, nycticorax | Old World night herons |
genus nymphicus, nymphicus | A genus of Psittacidae |
genus oceanites, oceanites | A genus of Hydrobatidae |
genus odontophorus, odontophorus | genus of Central and South American crested partridges resembling quails |
genus oenanthe, oenanthe | wheatears |
genus opisthocomus, opisthocomus | type genus of the Opisthocomidae |
genus oreortyx, oreortyx | mountain quail of western United States |
genus oriolus, oriolus, Oriolus | type genus of the Oriolidae |
genus ortalis, ortalis | chachalacas |
genus orthotomus, orthotomus | tailorbirds |
genus otis, otis | type genus of the Otididae |
genus otus, otus | A genus of Strigidae |
genus oxyura, oxyura | ruddy duck |
genus pachycephala, pachycephala | arboreal insectivorous birds |
genus padda, padda | A genus of Ploceidae |
genus pagophila, pagophila | A genus of Laridae |
genus pandion, pandion, Pandion, Pandíon | type genus of the Pandionidae |
genus parula, parula | type genus of the Parulidae |
genus parus, parus | type genus of the family Paridae |
genus passer, passer | type genus of the Passeridae |
genus passerina, passerina | A genus of small North American finches including the New World buntings |
genus pavo, pavo | peafowl |
genus pedioecetes, pedioecetes | sharp-tailed grouse |
genus pedionomus, pedionomus | plain wanderer |
genus pelecanus, pelecanus, Pelecanus | type genus of the Pelecanidae |
genus penelope, penelope | A genus of guans (turkey-like arboreal birds valued as game / game and food birds) |
genus perdix, perdix | A genus of Perdicinae |
genus perisoreus, perisoreus | Canada jays |
genus pernis, pernis | A common European bird of prey |
genus pezophaps, pezophaps | constituted by the extinct solitaire |
genus phaethon, phaethon | type genus of the Phaethontidae |
genus phalacrocorax, phalacrocorax | type genus |
genus phalaenoptilus, phalaenoptilus | A genus of Caprimulgidae |
genus phalaropus, phalaropus | type genus of the Phalaropidae |
genus pharomacrus, pharomacrus | A genus of Trogonidae |
genus phasianus, phasianus | type genus of the Phasianidae |
genus philohela, philohela | American woodcocks |
genus philomachus, philomachus | ruffs |
genus phoeniculus, phoeniculus | type and only genus of the family Phoeniculidae |
genus phoenicurus, phoenicurus | Old World thrushes |
genus phylloscopus, phylloscopus | warblers |
genus pica | magpies |
genus picumnus, picumnus | A genus of Picidae |
genus picus, picus | type genus of Picidae |
genus pinguinus, pinguinus, Pinguinus | great auk |
genus pinicola, pinicola | A genus of Fringillidae |
genus pipile, pipile | genus of large crested guans (the piping guans) |
genus pipilo, pipilo | towhees |
genus pipra, pipra | type genus of the Pipridae containing the typical manakins |
genus piranga, piranga | A genus of Thraupidae |
genus pitta | type genus of the Pittidae |
genus platalea, platalea, Platalea | type genus of the Plataleidae |
genus plautus, plautus | A genus of Alcidae |
genus plectrophenax, plectrophenax | snow bunting |
genus ploceus, ploceus | type genus of the Ploceidae |
genus pluvialis, pluvialis | golden plovers |
genus pluvianus, pluvianus | Coursers |
genus podargus, podargus | type genus of the Podargidae |
genus podiceps, podiceps | type genus of the Podicipedidae |
genus podilymbus, podilymbus | A genus of Podicipedidae |
genus poephila, poephila | Grassfinches |
genus polioptila, polioptila | New World gnatcatchers |
genus polyborus, polyborus | A genus of Falconidae |
genus pooecetes, pooecetes | A genus of Fringillidae |
genus porphyrio, porphyrio | Old World purple gallinules |
genus porphyrula, porphyrula | American purple gallinules |
genus porzana, porzana | spotted crakes |
genus prinia, prinia | A genus of Sylviidae |
genus procellaria, procellaria | type genus of the Procellariidae |
genus procnias, procnias | bellbirds |
genus progne, progne | A genus of Hirundinidae |
genus protoavis | Extinct primitive birds of the Triassic period |
genus prunella, prunella | type genus of the Prunellidae |
genus psaltriparus, psaltriparus | A genus of Paridae |
genus psittacula, psittacula | A genus of Psittacidae |
genus psittacus, psittacus | type genus of the Psittacidae |
genus psophia, psophia | type genus of the Psophiidae |
genus pterocles, pterocles | type genus of the Pteroclididae |
genus pterocnemia, pterocnemia | A genus of birds of the family Rheidae |
genus ptilonorhynchus, ptilonorhynchus | type genus of the Ptilonorhynchidae |
genus ptloris, ptloris | A genus of Paradisaeidae |
genus puffinus, puffinus | shearwaters |
genus pygoscelis, pygoscelis | A genus of Spheniscidae |
genus pyrocephalus, pyrocephalus | A genus of Tyrannidae |
genus pyrrhula, pyrrhula | bullfinches |
genus pyrrhuloxia | large showy finches related to cardinals |
genus quiscalus, quiscalus | grackles |
genus ramphomicron, ramphomicron, Ramphomicron | thornbills |
genus raphus, raphus | type genus of the Raphidae |
genus recurvirostra, recurvirostra | type genus of the Recurvirostridae |
genus regulus, regulus | A genus of birds of the family Sylviidae including kinglets |
genus rhea | type genus of the Rheidae |
genus richmondena, richmondena | cardinals |
genus riparia, riparia | A genus of Hirundinidae |
genus rissa, rissa, Rissa | A genus of Laridae |
genus rupicola, rupicola | cock ... / cock of the rocks |
genus rynchops, rynchops | type genus of the Rynchopidae |
genus sagittarius, sagittarius | type genus of the Sagittariidae |
genus salpinctes, salpinctes | A genus of Troglodytidae |
genus sarcorhamphus, sarcorhamphus | usually containing only the king vulture |
genus saxicola, saxicola | Old World chats |
genus sayornis, sayornis | phoebes |
genus sceloglaux, sceloglaux | A genus of Strigidae |
genus scolopax, scolopax | type of the Scolopacidae |
genus seiurus, seiurus | ovenbirds and water thrushes |
genus serinus, serinus | Old World finches |
genus setophaga, setophaga | A genus of Parulidae |
genus sialia, sialia | North American bluebirds |
genus silvia, silvia, Silvia | type genus of the Sylviidae |
genus sinornis | A genus of fossil birds |
genus sitta, sitta | type genus of the Sittidae |
genus somateria, somateria, Somateria | eider ducks |
genus sphecotheres, sphecotheres | A genus of Old World orioles |
genus spheniscus, spheniscus | type genus of the Spheniscidae |
genus sphyrapicus, sphyrapicus | A genus of Picidae |
genus spinus, spinus | In some classifications considered a subgenus of Carduelis |
genus spizella, spizella | chipping sparrow |
genus steatornis, steatornis | type and sole genus of the family Steatornithidae |
genus steganopus, steganopus | A genus of Phalaropidae |
genus stercorarius, stercorarius | type genus of the Stercorariidae |
genus sterna, sterna, Sterna | A genus of Sterninae |
genus stictopelia, stictopelia | A genus of Columbidae |
genus strepera, strepera | bell magpies |
genus streptopelia, streptopelia | turtledoves |
genus strix, strix | owls lacking ear tufts |
genus struthio, struthio | type genus of the Struthionidae |
genus sturnella, sturnella | A genus of passerine birds including the meadowlarks |
genus sturnus, sturnus | type genus of the Sturnidae |
genus sula, sula | type genus of the Sulidae |
genus surnia, surnia | A genus of hawk-like owls |
genus syrrhaptes, syrrhaptes | A genus of Pteroclididae |
genus tadorna, tadorna | sheldrakes |
genus tetrao, tetrao, Tetrao | type genus of the Tetraonidae |
genus thamnophilus, thamnophilus | A genus of Formicariidae |
genus threskiornis, threskiornis | type genus of the Threskiornithidae |
genus thryothorus, thryothorus | Carolina wrens |
genus tichodroma, tichodroma | wall creepers |
genus timalia, timalia | type genus of the Timaliidae |
genus todus, Tòdid, todus | type genus of the Todidae |
genus toxostoma, toxostoma | thrashers |
genus tragopan | A genus of Phasianidae |
genus trichoglossus, trichoglossus | A genus of Loriinae |
genus tringa, tringa | A genus of Scolopacidae |
genus troglodytes, troglodytes | type genus of the Troglodytidae |
genus trogon | type genus of the Trogonidae |
genus turdus, turdus | type genus of the Turdidae |
genus turnix, turnix | type genus of the Turnicidae |
genus tympanuchus, tympanuchus | prairie chickens |
genus tyrannus, tyrannus | type genus of the Tyrannidae |
genus tyto, tyto | type and only genus of the family Tytonidae |
genus upupa, upupa | type genus of the Upupidae |
genus uria, uria, Uria | murres |
genus vanellus, vanellus | Eurasian lapwings |
genus vidua, vidua | whydahs |
genus vireo | type genus of the Vireonidae |
genus vultur, vultur, Vultur | A bird that is usually restricted to the Andean condor |
genus xenicus, xenicus | type genus for the Xenicidae |
genus xenorhyncus, xenorhyncus | East Indian and Australian storks |
genus zenaidura, zenaidura | mourning doves |
genus zonotrichia, zonotrichia, Zonotrichia | large New World sparrows |
General | gènere, genus | (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
Anglès | bird genus |
Espanyol | aves |